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HSBC Bermuda bank fees

These fees are applicable to customers under the definition of an “insured depositor”1 in the Deposit Insurance Act.

Items with "No charge" are services offered by the Bank at zero cost. Items with "N/A" indicate that the services are not offered by the Bank.

Customers over the age of 65 receive Seniors fees upon advising the Bank of their eligibility.

Fees listed under Small Business & Charities align to the published fees for all HSBC Business and Corporate clients.

To review all Business and Corporate Service Charges, please visit HSBC Business.

Table of contents:

Deposit Accounts and Payment Services

HSBC Chequing Account - Administration fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Monthly maintenance fee $12 per month No charge No charge $15 per month
Monthly compliance fee No charge No charge No charge No charge
Dormancy period
(number of months of inactivity before account is declared Dormant)
24 Months 24 Months 24 Months 12 Months
Monthly dormant account fee
(charged in addition to maintenance and compliance fees)
No charge No charge No charge No charge
Dormant account reactivation fee No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge
HSBC Chequing Account - Administration fees
Account type Monthly maintenance fee
Personal $12 per month
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities $15 per month
Account type Monthly compliance fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Dormancy period
(number of months of inactivity before account is declared Dormant)
Personal 24 Months
Premier 24 Months
24 Months
Small Business & Charities 12 Months
Account type Monthly dormant account fee
(charged in addition to maintenance and compliance fees)
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Dormant account reactivation fee
Personal No Charge
Premier No Charge
No Charge
Small Business & Charities No Charge
HSBC Bank Account - Administration fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Monthly maintenance fee $5 per month No charge No charge N/A
Monthly compliance fee No charge No charge No charge N/A
Dormancy period
(number of months of inactivity before account is declared Dormant)
24 Months 24 Months 24 Months N/A
Monthly dormant account fee
(charged in addition to maintenance and compliance fees)
No charge No charge No charge N/A
HSBC Bank Account - Administration fees
Account type Monthly maintenance fee
Personal $5 per month
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Monthly compliance fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Dormancy period
(number of months of inactivity before account is declared Dormant)
Personal 24 Months
Premier 24 Months
24 Months
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Monthly dormant account fee
(charged in addition to maintenance and compliance fees)
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities N/A
Cheque Processing fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Free cheque allowance N/A N/A N/A

Minimum balance for free cheque allowance N/A N/A N/A N/A

Cheque processing fee

(for cheques above free cheque allowance)

$1.75 per cheque $1.75 per cheque  No charge $3.50 per cheque
Stop payment fee N/A N/A N/A $15 per cheque

Returned cheque fee

(e.g. you have insufficient funds, stale dated or unsigned cheque)

$25 per cheque $25 per cheque  $25 per cheque  $20 per cheque 
New cheques fee N/A N/A N/A N/A
Cheque book fee $10 $10 $10 $35
Deposit book fee N/A N/A N/A N/A
Cheque Processing fees
Account type Free cheque allowance
Personal N/A
Premier N/A

Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Minimum balance for free cheque allowance
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type

Cheque processing fee

(for cheques above free cheque allowance)

Personal $1.75 per cheque
Premier $1.75 per cheque 
No charge
Small Business & Charities $3.50 per cheque
Account type Stop payment fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $15 per cheque
Account type

Returned cheque fee

(e.g. you have insufficient funds, stale dated or unsigned cheque)

Personal $25 per cheque
Premier $25 per cheque 
$25 per cheque 
Small Business & Charities $20 per cheque 
Account type New cheques fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Cheque book fee
Personal $10
Premier $10
Small Business & Charities $35
Account type Deposit book fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Bank and Chequing Accounts - Overdraft fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Overdraft maximum term 3 years 3 years 3 years 1 year (renewable annually)
Overdraft negotiation and set-up fee 1% of approved overdraft 0.8% of approved overdraft 1% of approved overdraft 1% - 2.50% of approved overdraft
Overdraft interest rate Refer to published rates Refer to published rates Refer to published rates Refer to published rates
Unauthorised or temporary overdraft fee No charge No charge No charge $20 per transaction
Unauthorised or temporary overdraft interest rate  Bermuda Dollar base rate plus 12% Bermuda Dollar base rate plus 12% Bermuda Dollar base rate plus 12% Bermuda Dollar base rate plus 16.75%
Bank and Chequing Accounts - Overdraft fees
Account type Overdraft maximum term
Personal 3 years
Premier 3 years
3 years
Small Business & Charities 1 year (renewable annually)
Account type Overdraft negotiation and set-up fee
Personal 1% of approved overdraft
Premier 0.8% of approved overdraft
1% of approved overdraft
Small Business & Charities 1% - 2.50% of approved overdraft
Account type Overdraft interest rate
Personal Refer to published rates
Premier Refer to published rates
Refer to published rates
Small Business & Charities Refer to published rates
Account type Unauthorised or temporary overdraft fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities $20 per transaction
Account type Unauthorised or temporary overdraft interest rate 
Personal Bermuda Dollar base rate plus 12%
Premier Bermuda Dollar base rate plus 12%
Bermuda Dollar base rate plus 12%
Small Business & Charities Bermuda Dollar base rate plus 16.75%
Savings Account - Administration fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Monthly maintenance fee No charge No charge No charge $15 per month
Monthly compliance fee No charge No charge No charge No charge

Dormancy period

(number of months of inactivity before account is declared Dormant)

24 months 24 months 24 months 12 months
Monthly dormant account fee
(in addition to maintenance and compliance fees)
No charge No charge No charge No charge
Dormant account reactivation fee No charge No charge No charge No charge
Savings Account - Administration fees
Account type Monthly maintenance fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities $15 per month
Account type Monthly compliance fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type

Dormancy period

(number of months of inactivity before account is declared Dormant)

Personal 24 months
Premier 24 months
24 months
Small Business & Charities 12 months
Account type Monthly dormant account fee
(in addition to maintenance and compliance fees)
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Dormant account reactivation fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Savings Account - Overdraft fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Unauthorised overdraft fee N/A N/A N/A N/A
Unauthorised overdraft interest rate N/A N/A N/A N/A
Savings Account - Overdraft fees
Account type Unauthorised overdraft fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Unauthorised overdraft interest rate
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Fixed Deposit - Administration fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Amendment fee No charge No charge No charge No charge
Breakage fee Dependent upon term to maturity and contracted versus market rates Dependent upon term to maturity and contracted versus market rates Dependent upon term to maturity and contracted versus market rates Dependent upon term to maturity and contracted versus market rates
Fixed Deposit - Administration fees
Account type Amendment fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Breakage fee
Personal Dependent upon term to maturity and contracted versus market rates
Premier Dependent upon term to maturity and contracted versus market rates
Dependent upon term to maturity and contracted versus market rates
Small Business & Charities Dependent upon term to maturity and contracted versus market rates
Account Services fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Cheque image copy fee $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50
Paper statement fee $5 per statement $5 per statement No charge No charge
Scheduled additional paper statements N/A N/A N/A $5 per statement
Non-scheduled statement fee N/A N/A N/A N/A
Statement reprint fee $10 $10 $10 $10
Copy of transactions fee N/A N/A N/A N/A
Research fee $50 $50 $50 $50
Audit Confirmation fee $50 $50 $50 $50
Credit check fee No charge No charge No charge No charge
Bank / Credit reference fee $45 $25 $25 $35
Bank / Credit reference rush fee N/A N/A N/A N/A
Overseas mailing / Courier charges $60 $60 $60 Prevailing rates plus $5 handling fee
Special handling fee N/A N/A N/A $500 per request
Returned mail (after three consecutive months) N/A N/A N/A N/A
PIPA data subject access fee $200 $200 $200 $200
Account Services fees
Account type Cheque image copy fee
Personal $2.50
Premier $2.50
Small Business & Charities $2.50
Account type Paper statement fee
Personal $5 per statement
Premier $5 per statement
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Scheduled additional paper statements
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $5 per statement
Account type Non-scheduled statement fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Statement reprint fee
Personal $10
Premier $10
Small Business & Charities $10
Account type Copy of transactions fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Research fee
Personal $50
Premier $50
Small Business & Charities $50
Account type Audit Confirmation fee
Personal $50
Premier $50
Small Business & Charities $50
Account type Credit check fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Bank / Credit reference fee
Personal $45
Premier $25
Small Business & Charities $35
Account type Bank / Credit reference rush fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Overseas mailing / Courier charges
Personal $60
Premier $60
Small Business & Charities Prevailing rates plus $5 handling fee
Account type Special handling fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $500 per request
Account type Returned mail (after three consecutive months)
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type PIPA data subject access fee
Personal $200
Premier $200
Small Business & Charities $200
Foreign exchange fee
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Foreign exchange - sell Bermuda dollar N/A N/A N/A N/A
Foreign exchange - any currency pair N/A N/A N/A N/A
Foreign exchange fee
Account type Foreign exchange - sell Bermuda dollar
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Foreign exchange - any currency pair
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Teller service fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Cheque cashing for non-customer
(for cheques drawn on us)
$35 per cheque $35 per cheque $35 per cheque $35 per cheque
Cheque cashing for customer
(any Bermuda bank's cheque)
No charge No charge

No charge

No charge

Coin deposit No charge No charge No charge 1.5% after annual cash threshold reached
Deposit No charge No charge No charge No charge
Withdrawal No charge No charge No charge No charge
Credit card payment No charge No charge No charge No charge
Foreign currency cash withdrawal2 No charge

No charge

No charge

No charge

Foreign currency notes purchase2 No charge

No charge

No charge

No charge

Local wire payment - using bank template $50 $50 $50 $75
Local wire payment - not using bank template $50 $50 $50 $75
Overseas wire payment - using bank template $125 $125 $40 $150
Overseas wire payment - not using bank template $125 $125 $40 $150
Teller service fees
Account type Cheque cashing for non-customer
(for cheques drawn on us)
Personal $35 per cheque
Premier $35 per cheque
$35 per cheque
Small Business & Charities $35 per cheque
Account type Cheque cashing for customer
(any Bermuda bank's cheque)
Personal No charge
Premier No charge

No charge

Small Business & Charities No charge

Account type Coin deposit
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities 1.5% after annual cash threshold reached
Account type Deposit
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Withdrawal
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Credit card payment
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Foreign currency cash withdrawal2
Personal No charge

Premier No charge

No charge

Small Business & Charities No charge

Account type Foreign currency notes purchase2
Personal No charge

Premier No charge

No charge

Small Business & Charities No charge

Account type Local wire payment - using bank template
Personal $50
Premier $50
Small Business & Charities $75
Account type Local wire payment - not using bank template
Personal $50
Premier $50
Small Business & Charities $75
Account type Overseas wire payment - using bank template
Personal $125
Premier $125
Small Business & Charities $150
Account type Overseas wire payment - not using bank template
Personal $125
Premier $125
Small Business & Charities $150

Note: see also any item listed under "Local Payments and Transfers", "Overseas Payments" and "Standing Orders or instructions", that are "not via online banking".

Debit card and ATM banking fees
Account type Personal Advance Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Debit card annual fee No charge No charge No charge No charge N/A
Debit card daily transaction limit $2000 $2500


Determined by Personal, Advance or Premier status N/A
ATM daily cash withdrawal limit $2000



Determined by Personal, Advance or Premier status N/A
ATM cash withdrawal fee (HSBC Bermuda ATMs) No charge No charge No charge No charge N/A
ATM cash withdrawal fee (other banks)

2.5% per transaction

(min $3.50)

2.5% per transaction

(min $3.50)

2.5% per transaction

(min $3.50)

2.5% per transaction

(min $3.50)


ATM surcharge N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Other transaction performed via ATM No charge No charge No charge No charge N/A
Debit card US cross border fee / international transaction fee 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% N/A
Debit card disputed transaction fee N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Lost or stolen debit card fraud deductible $50 per card $50 per card $50 per card $50 per card N/A
Debit card replacement fee No charge No charge No charge No charge N/A
Debit card replacement - rush fee $35 per card $35 per card $35 per card $35 per card N/A
Debit card non-activity fee N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Debit card temporary daily transaction limit increase fee N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Copy of debit card sales slip fee $15 per sales slip $15 per sales slip $15 per sales slip $15 per sales slip N/A
Debit card and ATM banking fees
Account type Debit card annual fee
Personal No charge
Advance No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Debit card daily transaction limit
Personal $2000
Advance $2500

Premier $3000

Determined by Personal, Advance or Premier status
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type ATM daily cash withdrawal limit
Personal $2000

Advance $2500

Premier $3000

Determined by Personal, Advance or Premier status
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type ATM cash withdrawal fee (HSBC Bermuda ATMs)
Personal No charge
Advance No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type ATM cash withdrawal fee (other banks)

2.5% per transaction

(min $3.50)


2.5% per transaction

(min $3.50)


2.5% per transaction

(min $3.50)


2.5% per transaction

(min $3.50)

Small Business & Charities


Account type ATM surcharge
Personal N/A
Advance N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Other transaction performed via ATM
Personal No charge
Advance No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Debit card US cross border fee / international transaction fee
Personal 0.6%
Advance 0.6%
Premier 0.6%
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Debit card disputed transaction fee
Personal N/A
Advance N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Lost or stolen debit card fraud deductible
Personal $50 per card
Advance $50 per card
Premier $50 per card
$50 per card
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Debit card replacement fee
Personal No charge
Advance No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Debit card replacement - rush fee
Personal $35 per card
Advance $35 per card
Premier $35 per card
$35 per card
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Debit card non-activity fee
Personal N/A
Advance N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Debit card temporary daily transaction limit increase fee
Personal N/A
Advance N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Copy of debit card sales slip fee
Personal $15 per sales slip
Advance $15 per sales slip
Premier $15 per sales slip
$15 per sales slip
Small Business & Charities N/A
Online banking administration fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Online banking set-up fee No charge No charge No charge No charge
Token replacement fee No charge No charge No charge $5
Courier or rush fee No charge No charge No charge  No charge 
View Only HSBC Net Maintenance fee N/A N/A N/A  $10 per month
Domestic HSBC Net Maintenance fee N/A N/A N/A  $25 per month
International HSBC Net Maintenance fee N/A N/A N/A  $40 per month
Billing via Transactional Workflow Standards Team N/A N/A N/A  $10 per month
Billing via Transactional Workflow Standards Team - Set up fee N/A N/A N/A  $50 (one-time fee)
HSBC Net File Upload - Domestic - Set up fee N/A N/A N/A  $800 per project
HSBC Net File Upload - Regional - Set up fee N/A N/A N/A  $1500 per project
HSBC Net File Upload - International - Set up fee N/A N/A N/A  $3500 per project
HSBC Net File Upload - Domestic - Monthly fee N/A N/A N/A  $250 per profile
HSBC Net File Upload - Regional - Monthly fee N/A N/A N/A  $250 per profile
HSBC Net File Upload - International - Monthly fee N/A N/A N/A  $550 per profile
SWIFT FIN/Concentrator - Set up fee N/A N/A N/A  $1500 per project
SWIFT FIN/Concentrator - Monthly fee N/A N/A N/A  $250 per BIC
Payment File - Complex N/A N/A N/A  $10 per file
Payment File - Standard/High Value N/A N/A N/A  $5 per file
Payment File - Simple/Local N/A N/A N/A  No Charge
Online banking administration fees
Account type Online banking set-up fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Token replacement fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities $5
Account type Courier or rush fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge 
Small Business & Charities No charge 
Account type View Only HSBC Net Maintenance fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $10 per month
Account type Domestic HSBC Net Maintenance fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $25 per month
Account type International HSBC Net Maintenance fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $40 per month
Account type Billing via Transactional Workflow Standards Team
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $10 per month
Account type Billing via Transactional Workflow Standards Team - Set up fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $50 (one-time fee)
Account type HSBC Net File Upload - Domestic - Set up fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $800 per project
Account type HSBC Net File Upload - Regional - Set up fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $1500 per project
Account type HSBC Net File Upload - International - Set up fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $3500 per project
Account type HSBC Net File Upload - Domestic - Monthly fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $250 per profile
Account type HSBC Net File Upload - Regional - Monthly fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $250 per profile
Account type HSBC Net File Upload - International - Monthly fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $550 per profile
Account type SWIFT FIN/Concentrator - Set up fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $1500 per project
Account type SWIFT FIN/Concentrator - Monthly fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $250 per BIC
Account type Payment File - Complex
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $10 per file
Account type Payment File - Standard/High Value
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $5 per file
Account type Payment File - Simple/Local
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities No Charge
Local payments and transfers
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Transfer to another of your own accounts with us via online banking No charge No charge No charge No charge
Transfer to another of your own accounts with us in branch or over the phone No charge No charge No charge $75 per transaction
Transfer to a third party account with us via online banking No charge No charge No charge N/A
Transfer to a third party account with us in branch or over the phone No charge No charge No charge N/A
E-Payment to account at another Bermuda bank via online banking No charge No charge No charge N/A
E-Payment to account at another Bermuda bank in branch or over the phone $50 $50 $50 $75 per transaction
Wire Payment to account at another Bermuda bank via online banking No charge No charge No charge $7 per BMD transaction
Wire Payment to account at another Bermuda bank in branch or over the phone $50 per transaction $50 per transaction $50 per transaction $75 per transaction
Cashier's or Manager's cheque ordered via online banking $10 per transaction $10 per transaction $10 per transaction $25 per transaction
Cashier's or Manager's cheque ordered in branch or over the phone $75 per transaction $75 per transaction $15 per transaction $100 per transaction
Cashier's or Manager's cheque stop payment fee N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bill payment via online banking No charge No charge No charge No charge
Credit card payment via online banking No charge No charge No charge No charge
Credit card payment in branch or over the phone No charge No charge No charge No charge
Direct debit fee N/A N/A N/A N/A
Incoming wire payment No charge No charge No charge No charge
Foreign currency notes purchase or advance order. Rush purchase - via online banking3 No charge No charge No charge N/A
Foreign currency notes purchase or advance order. Non-rush purchase - via online banking3 No charge No charge No charge N/A
Foreign currency notes purchase or advance order. Non-rush, large purchase - via online banking3 No charge No charge No charge N/A
Copy of cashier's or manager's cheque N/A N/A N/A N/A
ACH Direct Credits N/A N/A N/A $0.25 per item
ACH Credit Payment Trace N/A N/A N/A $5 per item
ACH Credit Payment Reversal N/A N/A N/A $15 per item
ACH Debit N/A N/A N/A $0.25 per item
ACH Debit Payment Trace N/A N/A N/A $5 per item
ACH Debit Payment Reversal N/A N/A N/A $15 per item
Local payments and transfers
Account type Transfer to another of your own accounts with us via online banking
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Transfer to another of your own accounts with us in branch or over the phone
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities $75 per transaction
Account type Transfer to a third party account with us via online banking
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Transfer to a third party account with us in branch or over the phone
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type E-Payment to account at another Bermuda bank via online banking
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type E-Payment to account at another Bermuda bank in branch or over the phone
Personal $50
Premier $50
Small Business & Charities $75 per transaction
Account type Wire Payment to account at another Bermuda bank via online banking
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities $7 per BMD transaction
Account type Wire Payment to account at another Bermuda bank in branch or over the phone
Personal $50 per transaction
Premier $50 per transaction
$50 per transaction
Small Business & Charities $75 per transaction
Account type Cashier's or Manager's cheque ordered via online banking
Personal $10 per transaction
Premier $10 per transaction
$10 per transaction
Small Business & Charities $25 per transaction
Account type Cashier's or Manager's cheque ordered in branch or over the phone
Personal $75 per transaction
Premier $75 per transaction
$15 per transaction
Small Business & Charities $100 per transaction
Account type Cashier's or Manager's cheque stop payment fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Bill payment via online banking
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Credit card payment via online banking
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Credit card payment in branch or over the phone
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Direct debit fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Incoming wire payment
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Foreign currency notes purchase or advance order. Rush purchase - via online banking3
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Foreign currency notes purchase or advance order. Non-rush purchase - via online banking3
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Foreign currency notes purchase or advance order. Non-rush, large purchase - via online banking3
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Copy of cashier's or manager's cheque
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type ACH Direct Credits
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $0.25 per item
Account type ACH Credit Payment Trace
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $5 per item
Account type ACH Credit Payment Reversal
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $15 per item
Account type ACH Debit
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $0.25 per item
Account type ACH Debit Payment Trace
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $5 per item
Account type ACH Debit Payment Reversal
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities $15 per item
Overseas payment fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Drafts ordered via online banking $15 per draft $15 per draft $15 per draft $25 per draft
Drafts ordered in branch or over the phone $80 per draft $80 per draft $20 per draft $100 per draft
Drafts stop payment fees $20 per draft $20 per draft $20 per draft $20 per draft
Outgoing wire payments via online banking $15 per wire $15 per wire $12.50 per wire $25 per wire
Outgoing wire payments requested in branch or over the phone $125 per wire $125 per wire $40 per wire $150 per wire
Outgoing wire payment for same day turnaround (funds coming in and going out in same day) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Outgoing global transfer fee (transfer to own account at overseas sister office) N/A No charge Determined by Advance or Premier status N/A
Incoming wire fee $6 per wire $6 per wire $6 per wire $6 per wire
Non Receipt / Amendment / Cancellation of Remitted Payment(s) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Copy of draft N/A N/A N/A N/A
Overseas payment fees
Account type Drafts ordered via online banking
Personal $15 per draft
Premier $15 per draft
$15 per draft
Small Business & Charities $25 per draft
Account type Drafts ordered in branch or over the phone
Personal $80 per draft
Premier $80 per draft
$20 per draft
Small Business & Charities $100 per draft
Account type Drafts stop payment fees
Personal $20 per draft
Premier $20 per draft
$20 per draft
Small Business & Charities $20 per draft
Account type Outgoing wire payments via online banking
Personal $15 per wire
Premier $15 per wire
$12.50 per wire
Small Business & Charities $25 per wire
Account type Outgoing wire payments requested in branch or over the phone
Personal $125 per wire
Premier $125 per wire
$40 per wire
Small Business & Charities $150 per wire
Account type Outgoing wire payment for same day turnaround (funds coming in and going out in same day)
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Outgoing global transfer fee (transfer to own account at overseas sister office)
Personal N/A
Premier No charge
Determined by Advance or Premier status
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Incoming wire fee
Personal $6 per wire
Premier $6 per wire
$6 per wire
Small Business & Charities $6 per wire
Account type Non Receipt / Amendment / Cancellation of Remitted Payment(s)
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Copy of draft
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Foreign cheque deposits
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Foreign cheques purchased 0.3% or $20 per item 0.3% or $20 per item 0.3% or $20 per item 0.5% or minimum of $50 per item
Foreign cheques sent for collection $20 per cheque $20 per cheque $20 per cheque 0.5% or minimum of $50 per item
Foreign cheque deposits
Account type Foreign cheques purchased
Personal 0.3% or $20 per item
Premier 0.3% or $20 per item
0.3% or $20 per item
Small Business & Charities 0.5% or minimum of $50 per item
Account type Foreign cheques sent for collection
Personal $20 per cheque
Premier $20 per cheque
$20 per cheque
Small Business & Charities 0.5% or minimum of $50 per item
Standing orders or instructions
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Set up standing order via online banking No charge No charge No charge  $5 per standing order
Set up standing order in branch or over the phone $7 per standing order $7 per standing order $7 per standing order $5 per standing order
Amend standing order via online banking No charge No charge No charge $5 per standing order
Amend standing order in branch or over the phone $7 per standing order $7 per standing order $7 per standing order $5 per standing order
Standing order: Local transfer to account with us No charge No charge No charge No charge
Standing order: E-payment to account with another Bermuda bank $2.50 per transaction $2.50 per transaction $2.50 per transaction N/A
Standing order: Wire payment $35 per transaction $35 per transaction $35 per transaction $5 plus transactional fee of $25 per transaction
Credit card: automatic payments No charge No charge No charge No charge
Standing order: Local mail payments $13 per payment $13 per payment $13 per payment N/A
Standing order: Foreign mail payments $16 per payment $16 per payment $16 per payment N/A
Warning advice or insufficient funds fee $5 per attempt $5 per attempt $5 per attempt $5 per attempt
Failure advice N/A N/A N/A N/A
Standing orders or instructions
Account type Set up standing order via online banking
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge 
Small Business & Charities $5 per standing order
Account type Set up standing order in branch or over the phone
Personal $7 per standing order
Premier $7 per standing order
$7 per standing order
Small Business & Charities $5 per standing order
Account type Amend standing order via online banking
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities $5 per standing order
Account type Amend standing order in branch or over the phone
Personal $7 per standing order
Premier $7 per standing order
$7 per standing order
Small Business & Charities $5 per standing order
Account type Standing order: Local transfer to account with us
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Standing order: E-payment to account with another Bermuda bank
Personal $2.50 per transaction
Premier $2.50 per transaction
$2.50 per transaction
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Standing order: Wire payment
Personal $35 per transaction
Premier $35 per transaction
$35 per transaction
Small Business & Charities $5 plus transactional fee of $25 per transaction
Account type Credit card: automatic payments
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Standing order: Local mail payments
Personal $13 per payment
Premier $13 per payment
$13 per payment
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Standing order: Foreign mail payments
Personal $16 per payment
Premier $16 per payment
$16 per payment
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Warning advice or insufficient funds fee
Personal $5 per attempt
Premier $5 per attempt
$5 per attempt
Small Business & Charities $5 per attempt
Account type Failure advice
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A

Fees for Investments

Effective 1 December 2022
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Custody and safekeeping local shares
$25 per quarter for local shares

$25 per quarter for local shares
$25 per quarter for local shares
Execution fees local trading up to $50k
1.25% of trade (min $75) 1.25% of trade (min $75) 1.25% of trade (min $75)
Execution fees local trading over $50k 1.00% of trade
1.00% of trade
1.00% of trade
Handling fee $25.00 per trade
$25.00 per trade
$25.00 per trade
BSX fee
0.125% on each transaction (min $1.25)
0.125% on each transaction (min $1.25)
0.125% on each transaction (min $1.25)
Effective 1 December 2022
Account type Custody and safekeeping local shares
Personal $25 per quarter for local shares

Premier $25 per quarter for local shares
Seniors $25 per quarter for local shares
Account type Execution fees local trading up to $50k
Personal 1.25% of trade (min $75)
Premier 1.25% of trade (min $75)
Seniors 1.25% of trade (min $75)
Account type Execution fees local trading over $50k
Personal 1.00% of trade
Premier 1.00% of trade
Seniors 1.00% of trade
Account type Handling fee
Personal $25.00 per trade
Premier $25.00 per trade
Seniors $25.00 per trade
Account type BSX fee
Personal 0.125% on each transaction (min $1.25)
Premier 0.125% on each transaction (min $1.25)
Seniors 0.125% on each transaction (min $1.25)

Credit card fees

HSBC Premier BermudaCard
Account type Personal Premier Seniors4
Minimum line of credit N/A $500 $500
Maximum line of credit N/A Negotiable Negotiable
Annual fee N/A No charge No charge
Annual interest rate N/A 20.95% 20.95%

Supplementary credit card fee N/A $30 per card $30 per card
Minimum payment amount N/A 5% 5%
HSBC Premier BermudaCard
Account type Minimum line of credit
Personal N/A
Premier $500
Account type Maximum line of credit
Personal N/A
Premier Negotiable
Account type Annual fee
Personal N/A
Premier No charge
No charge
Account type Annual interest rate
Personal N/A
Premier 20.95%

Account type Supplementary credit card fee
Personal N/A
Premier $30 per card
$30 per card
Account type Minimum payment amount
Personal N/A
Premier 5%
HSBC BermudaCard
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Minimum line of credit $500 N/A $500
Maximum line of credit $30,000 N/A


Annual fee $60 N/A $60
Annual interest rate 20.95%

N/A 20.95%

Supplementary credit card fee $30 per card N/A

$30 per card
Minimum payment amount 5% N/A

HSBC BermudaCard
Account type Minimum line of credit
Personal $500
Premier N/A
Account type Maximum line of credit
Personal $30,000
Premier N/A


Account type Annual fee
Personal $60
Premier N/A
Account type Annual interest rate
Personal 20.95%

Premier N/A

Account type Supplementary credit card fee
Personal $30 per card
Premier N/A

$30 per card
Account type Minimum payment amount
Personal 5%
Premier N/A

HSBC Premier Black Card
Account type Personal Premier Seniors4
Minimum line of credit N/A $20,000 $20,000

Maximum line of credit N/A Negotiable Negotiable

Annual fee N/A

$350 per annum


Fee waived as long as you maintain $1Million, or foreign currency equivalent, in deposits or investments with HSBC Bermuda or if you spend $100K annually.

$350 per annum


Fee waived as long as you maintain $1Million, or foreign currency equivalent, in deposits or investments with HSBC Bermuda or if you spend $100K annually.

Annual interest rate N/A 20.95% 20.95%

Supplementary credit card fee N/A $175 per card $175 per card
Minimum payment amount N/A 5% 5%
HSBC Premier Black Card
Account type Minimum line of credit
Personal N/A
Premier $20,000

Account type Maximum line of credit
Personal N/A
Premier Negotiable

Account type Annual fee
Personal N/A

$350 per annum


Fee waived as long as you maintain $1Million, or foreign currency equivalent, in deposits or investments with HSBC Bermuda or if you spend $100K annually.


$350 per annum


Fee waived as long as you maintain $1Million, or foreign currency equivalent, in deposits or investments with HSBC Bermuda or if you spend $100K annually.

Account type Annual interest rate
Personal N/A
Premier 20.95%

Account type Supplementary credit card fee
Personal N/A
Premier $175 per card
$175 per card
Account type Minimum payment amount
Personal N/A
Premier 5%
HSBC Premier Mastercard
Account type Personal Premier Seniors4
Minimum line of credit N/A $500 $500
Maximum line of credit N/A Negotiable Negotiable
Annual fee N/A No charge No charge

Annual interest rate N/A 20.95% 20.95%

Supplementary credit card fee N/A $30 per card $30 per card
Minimum payment amount N/A 5% 5%
HSBC Premier Mastercard
Account type Minimum line of credit
Personal N/A
Premier $500
Account type Maximum line of credit
Personal N/A
Premier Negotiable
Account type Annual fee
Personal N/A
Premier No charge
No charge

Account type Annual interest rate
Personal N/A
Premier 20.95%

Account type Supplementary credit card fee
Personal N/A
Premier $30 per card
$30 per card
Account type Minimum payment amount
Personal N/A
Premier 5%
Visa Classic
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Minimum line of credit $500 $500
Maximum line of credit $30,000
$30,000 $30,000
Annual fee $85 $85 $85
Annual interest rate 20.95%
20.95% 20.95%
Supplementary credit card fee $30 per card $30 per card $30 per card
Minimum payment amount 5% 5% 5%
Visa Classic
Account type Minimum line of credit
Personal $500
Premier $500
Account type Maximum line of credit
Personal $30,000
Premier $30,000
Account type Annual fee
Personal $85
Premier $85
Account type Annual interest rate
Personal 20.95%
Premier 20.95%
Account type Supplementary credit card fee
Personal $30 per card
Premier $30 per card
$30 per card
Account type Minimum payment amount
Personal 5%
Premier 5%
HSBC Advance Mastercard
Account type Personal Premier Seniors5
Minimum line of credit $500 N/A $500
Maximum line of credit Negotiable N/A Negotiable
Annual fee $75 N/A $75
Annual interest rate 20.95% N/A 20.95%
Supplementary credit card fee $30 per card N/A $30 per card
Minimum payment amount 5% N/A 5%
HSBC Advance Mastercard
Account type Minimum line of credit
Personal $500
Premier N/A
Account type Maximum line of credit
Personal Negotiable
Premier N/A
Account type Annual fee
Personal $75
Premier N/A
Account type Annual interest rate
Personal 20.95%
Premier N/A
Account type Supplementary credit card fee
Personal $30 per card
Premier N/A
$30 per card
Account type Minimum payment amount
Personal 5%
Premier N/A
Visa Gold
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Minimum line of credit $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Maximum line of credit $50,000 $50,000 $50,000
Annual fee $100 $100 $100
Annual interest rate 20.95% 20.95% 20.95%
Supplementary credit card fee $30 per card $30 per card $30 per card
Minimum payment amount 5% 5% 5%
Visa Gold
Account type Minimum line of credit
Personal $5,000
Premier $5,000
Account type Maximum line of credit
Personal $50,000
Premier $50,000
Account type Annual fee
Personal $100
Premier $100
Account type Annual interest rate
Personal 20.95%
Premier 20.95%
Account type Supplementary credit card fee
Personal $30 per card
Premier $30 per card
$30 per card
Account type Minimum payment amount
Personal 5%
Premier 5%
Visa Business
Account type Small Business & Charities
Minimum line of credit $5,000
Maximum line of credit Negotiable
Annual fee $60
Annual interest rate 18%
Supplementary credit card fee No Charge
Minimum payment amount % based on limit and card usage
Visa Business
Account type Minimum line of credit
Small Business & Charities
Account type Maximum line of credit
Small Business & Charities
Account type Annual fee
Small Business & Charities
Account type Annual interest rate
Small Business & Charities
Account type Supplementary credit card fee
Small Business & Charities
No Charge
Account type Minimum payment amount
Small Business & Charities
% based on limit and card usage
Credit card transactions
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Credit card cash advance fee


(minimum $2.50)


(minimum $2.50)


(minimum $2.50)


(minimum $2.50)

Credit card US cross border or international transaction fee 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6%
Credit card foreign currency conversion fee5


Applied at the prevailing exchange rate


Applied at the prevailing exchange rate


Applied at the prevailing exchange rate


Applied at the prevailing exchange rate

Credit card overlimit fee $40 per transaction or per month $40 per transaction or per month $40 per transaction or per month $35 per transaction or per month
Credit card late payment fee $50 per transaction or per month $50 per transaction or per month $50 per transaction or per month $35 per transaction or per month
Non-sufficient funds (NSF) handling fee N/A N/A N/A N/A
Penalty interest rate for accounts delinquent for 60 days or more No charge No charge No charge  No charge
Credit card transactions
Account type Credit card cash advance fee


(minimum $2.50)



(minimum $2.50)



(minimum $2.50)

Small Business & Charities


(minimum $2.50)

Account type Credit card US cross border or international transaction fee
Personal 0.6%
Premier 0.6%
Small Business & Charities 0.6%
Account type Credit card foreign currency conversion fee5


Applied at the prevailing exchange rate



Applied at the prevailing exchange rate



Applied at the prevailing exchange rate

Small Business & Charities


Applied at the prevailing exchange rate

Account type Credit card overlimit fee
Personal $40 per transaction or per month
Premier $40 per transaction or per month
$40 per transaction or per month
Small Business & Charities $35 per transaction or per month
Account type Credit card late payment fee
Personal $50 per transaction or per month
Premier $50 per transaction or per month
$50 per transaction or per month
Small Business & Charities $35 per transaction or per month
Account type Non-sufficient funds (NSF) handling fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Penalty interest rate for accounts delinquent for 60 days or more
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge 
Small Business & Charities No charge
Credit card account services
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Credit card issuance rush fee $35 per card $35 per card $35 per card $35 per card
Credit card replacement card fee No charge No charge No charge No charge
Credit card replacement rush fee No charge No charge No charge No charge
Credit card rush PIN mailer N/A N/A N/A N/A
Credit card credit limit increase No charge No charge No charge No charge
Credit card temporary credit limit increase No charge No charge No charge No charge
Lost or stolen credit card fraud deductible $100 per card $100 per card $100 per card No charge
Copy of credit card sales slip fee $15 per sales slip $15 per sales slip $15 per sales slip $15 per sales slip
Credit card disputed transaction fee N/A N/A N/A N/A
Statement reprints fee $10 per statement $10 per statement $10 per statement $10 per statement
Research fee $50 per hour or part thereof $50 per hour or part thereof $50 per hour or part thereof $50 per hour or part thereof
Credit card account services
Account type Credit card issuance rush fee
Personal $35 per card
Premier $35 per card
$35 per card
Small Business & Charities $35 per card
Account type Credit card replacement card fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Credit card replacement rush fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Credit card rush PIN mailer
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Credit card credit limit increase
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Credit card temporary credit limit increase
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Lost or stolen credit card fraud deductible
Personal $100 per card
Premier $100 per card
$100 per card
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Copy of credit card sales slip fee
Personal $15 per sales slip
Premier $15 per sales slip
$15 per sales slip
Small Business & Charities $15 per sales slip
Account type Credit card disputed transaction fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Statement reprints fee
Personal $10 per statement
Premier $10 per statement
$10 per statement
Small Business & Charities $10 per statement
Account type Research fee
Personal $50 per hour or part thereof
Premier $50 per hour or part thereof
$50 per hour or part thereof
Small Business & Charities $50 per hour or part thereof

Lending fees

Residential mortgage fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities6
Interest rate Refer to published rates Refer to published rates Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier) Dependent on credit risk rating
Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee 0.90% of principal 0.80% of principal Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier) 1% of principal
Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee for renegotiation N/A N/A N/A N/A
Appraisal or valuation administration fee N/A N/A N/A N/A
Inspection fee N/A N/A N/A N/A
Early pay-off or principal reduction fee 3 months of outstanding interest 3 months of outstanding interest 3 months of outstanding interest No charge, subject to minimum prepayments of $2,000
Late payment fee No charge No charge No charge No charge
Interest rate on delinquency 1.5% above interest rate on facility 1.5% above interest rate on facility 1.5% above interest rate on facility 3% above interest rate on facility
Outstanding insurance premium N/A N/A N/A N/A
Certified copy of deed of conveyance $25 per copy $25 per copy $25 per copy $25 per copy
Non-certified copy of deed of conveyance $15 per copy $15 per copy $15 per copy $15 per copy
Copy of deed site plan or schedule $10 per copy $10 per copy $10 per copy $10 per copy
Residential mortgage fees
Account type Interest rate
Personal Refer to published rates
Premier Refer to published rates
Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Small Business & Charities6 Dependent on credit risk rating
Account type Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee
Personal 0.90% of principal
Premier 0.80% of principal
Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Small Business & Charities6 1% of principal
Account type Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee for renegotiation
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities6 N/A
Account type Appraisal or valuation administration fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities6 N/A
Account type Inspection fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities6 N/A
Account type Early pay-off or principal reduction fee
Personal 3 months of outstanding interest
Premier 3 months of outstanding interest
3 months of outstanding interest
Small Business & Charities6 No charge, subject to minimum prepayments of $2,000
Account type Late payment fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities6 No charge
Account type Interest rate on delinquency
Personal 1.5% above interest rate on facility
Premier 1.5% above interest rate on facility
1.5% above interest rate on facility
Small Business & Charities6 3% above interest rate on facility
Account type Outstanding insurance premium
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Small Business & Charities6 N/A
Account type Certified copy of deed of conveyance
Personal $25 per copy
Premier $25 per copy
$25 per copy
Small Business & Charities6 $25 per copy
Account type Non-certified copy of deed of conveyance
Personal $15 per copy
Premier $15 per copy
$15 per copy
Small Business & Charities6 $15 per copy
Account type Copy of deed site plan or schedule
Personal $10 per copy
Premier $10 per copy
$10 per copy
Small Business & Charities6 $10 per copy
Home equity loan fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Interest rate Refer to published rates Refer to published rates Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee 1% of principal 0.80% of principal Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Appraisal or valuation administration fee N/A N/A N/A
Inspection fee N/A N/A N/A
Early pay off-off or principal reduction fee 3 months of outstanding interest 3 months of outstanding interest 3 months of outstanding interest
Late payment fee No charge No charge No charge
Outstanding insurance premium N/A N/A N/A
Certified copy of deed of conveyance $25 per copy $25 per copy $25 per copy
Non-certified copy of deed of conveyance $15 per copy $15 per copy $15 per copy
Copy of deed site plan or schedule $10 per copy $10 per copy $10 per copy
Home equity loan fees
Account type Interest rate
Personal Refer to published rates
Premier Refer to published rates
Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Account type Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee
Personal 1% of principal
Premier 0.80% of principal
Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Account type Appraisal or valuation administration fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Account type Inspection fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Account type Early pay off-off or principal reduction fee
Personal 3 months of outstanding interest
Premier 3 months of outstanding interest
3 months of outstanding interest
Account type Late payment fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Account type Outstanding insurance premium
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Account type Certified copy of deed of conveyance
Personal $25 per copy
Premier $25 per copy
$25 per copy
Account type Non-certified copy of deed of conveyance
Personal $15 per copy
Premier $15 per copy
$15 per copy
Account type Copy of deed site plan or schedule
Personal $10 per copy
Premier $10 per copy
$10 per copy
Construction loan fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Interest rate Refer to published rates Refer to published rates Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee 1% of principal 0.80% of principal Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Appraisal or valuation administration fee N/A N/A N/A
Inspection fee N/A N/A N/A
Early pay off-off or principal reduction fee 3 months of outstanding interest 3 months of outstanding interest 3 months of outstanding interest
Late payment fee N/A N/A N/A
Outstanding insurance premium N/A N/A N/A
Certified copy of deed of conveyance $25 per copy $25 per copy $25 per copy
Non-certified copy of deed of conveyance $15 per copy $15 per copy $15 per copy
Copy of deed site plan or schedule $10 per copy $10 per copy $10 per copy
Construction loan fees
Account type Interest rate
Personal Refer to published rates
Premier Refer to published rates
Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Account type Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee
Personal 1% of principal
Premier 0.80% of principal
Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Account type Appraisal or valuation administration fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Account type Inspection fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Account type Early pay off-off or principal reduction fee
Personal 3 months of outstanding interest
Premier 3 months of outstanding interest
3 months of outstanding interest
Account type Late payment fee
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Account type Outstanding insurance premium
Personal N/A
Premier N/A
Account type Certified copy of deed of conveyance
Personal $25 per copy
Premier $25 per copy
$25 per copy
Account type Non-certified copy of deed of conveyance
Personal $15 per copy
Premier $15 per copy
$15 per copy
Account type Copy of deed site plan or schedule
Personal $10 per copy
Premier $10 per copy
$10 per copy
Unsecured personal loan fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Interest rate Refer to published rates Refer to published rates Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Maximum term 5 years 5 years 5 years
Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee

1% of principal

Minimum $200

0.8% of principal

Minimum $200

Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Late payment fee 0 0 0
Interest rate on delinquency 2% above interest rate on facility 2% above interest rate on facility 2% above interest rate on facility
Unsecured personal loan fees
Account type Interest rate
Personal Refer to published rates
Premier Refer to published rates
Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Account type Maximum term
Personal 5 years
Premier 5 years
5 years
Account type Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee

1% of principal

Minimum $200


0.8% of principal

Minimum $200

Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Account type Late payment fee
Personal 0
Premier 0
Account type Interest rate on delinquency
Personal 2% above interest rate on facility
Premier 2% above interest rate on facility
2% above interest rate on facility
Secured personal loan fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Interest rate Refer to published rates Refer to published rates Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Maximum term 5 years 5 years 5 years
Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee

1% of principal

Minimum $200

0.8% of principal

Minimum $200

Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Late payment fee No charge No charge No charge
Interest rate on delinquency 2% above interest rate on facility 2% above interest rate on facility 2% above interest rate on facility
Secured personal loan fees
Account type Interest rate
Personal Refer to published rates
Premier Refer to published rates
Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Account type Maximum term
Personal 5 years
Premier 5 years
5 years
Account type Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee

1% of principal

Minimum $200


0.8% of principal

Minimum $200

Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Account type Late payment fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Account type Interest rate on delinquency
Personal 2% above interest rate on facility
Premier 2% above interest rate on facility
2% above interest rate on facility
Secured education loan fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Interest rate Refer to published rates Refer to published rates Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Maximum term 7 years 7 years 7 years
Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee

1% of principal

Minimum $200

0.8% of principal

Minimum $200

Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Late payment fee No charge No charge No charge
Interest rate on delinquency 2% above interest rate on facility 2% above interest rate on facility 2% above interest rate on facility
Secured education loan fees
Account type Interest rate
Personal Refer to published rates
Premier Refer to published rates
Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Account type Maximum term
Personal 7 years
Premier 7 years
7 years
Account type Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee

1% of principal

Minimum $200


0.8% of principal

Minimum $200

Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Account type Late payment fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Account type Interest rate on delinquency
Personal 2% above interest rate on facility
Premier 2% above interest rate on facility
2% above interest rate on facility
Unsecured education loan fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Interest rate Refer to published rates Refer to published rates Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Maximum term 7 years 7 years 7 years
Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee

1% of principal

Minimum $200

0.8% of principal

Minimum $200

Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Late payment fee No charge No charge No charge
Interest rate on delinquency 2% above interest rate on facility 2% above interest rate on facility 2% above interest rate on facility
Unsecured education loan fees
Account type Interest rate
Personal Refer to published rates
Premier Refer to published rates
Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Account type Maximum term
Personal 7 years
Premier 7 years
7 years
Account type Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee

1% of principal

Minimum $200


0.8% of principal

Minimum $200

Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Account type Late payment fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Account type Interest rate on delinquency
Personal 2% above interest rate on facility
Premier 2% above interest rate on facility
2% above interest rate on facility
Energy Efficiency and Electric Vehicle loans fees
Account type Personal Premier Seniors
Small Business & Charities
Interest rate Refer to published rates Refer to published rates Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier) Refer to published rates
Maximum term 7 years 7 years 7 years 5 years
Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee

1% of principal

Minimum $200

0.8% of principal

Minimum $200

Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier) 1% of principal
Late payment fee No charge No charge No charge No charge
Interest rate on delinquency 2% above interest rate on facility 2% above interest rate on facility 2% above interest rate on facility 3% above interest rate on facility
Energy Efficiency and Electric Vehicle loans fees
Account type Interest rate
Personal Refer to published rates
Premier Refer to published rates
Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Small Business & Charities Refer to published rates
Account type Maximum term
Personal 7 years
Premier 7 years
7 years
Small Business & Charities 5 years
Account type Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee

1% of principal

Minimum $200


0.8% of principal

Minimum $200

Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Small Business & Charities 1% of principal
Account type Late payment fee
Personal No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Small Business & Charities No charge
Account type Interest rate on delinquency
Personal 2% above interest rate on facility
Premier 2% above interest rate on facility
2% above interest rate on facility
Small Business & Charities 3% above interest rate on facility
Personal line of credit
Account type Personal Advance Premier Seniors
Interest rate Refer to published rates Refer to published rates Refer to published rates Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Maximum term N/A N/A N/A N/A
Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee

1% of principal

Minimum $200

0.9% of principal

Minimum $200

0.8% of principal

Minimum $200

Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Late payment fee No charge No charge No charge No charge
Interest rate on delinquency 2% above interest rate on facility 2% above interest rate on facility 2% above interest rate on facility 2% above interest rate on facility
Personal line of credit
Account type Interest rate
Personal Refer to published rates
Advance Refer to published rates
Premier Refer to published rates
Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Account type Maximum term
Personal N/A
Advance N/A
Premier N/A
Account type Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee

1% of principal

Minimum $200


0.9% of principal

Minimum $200


0.8% of principal

Minimum $200

Dependent on proposition (Personal banking, Advance or Premier)
Account type Late payment fee
Personal No charge
Advance No charge
Premier No charge
No charge
Account type Interest rate on delinquency
Personal 2% above interest rate on facility
Advance 2% above interest rate on facility
Premier 2% above interest rate on facility
2% above interest rate on facility
Commercial Loan
Account type Small Business & Charities
Interest Rate Refer to published rates
Maximum term 5 years
Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee 1% - 2.5% of principal
Late payment fee N/A
Interest rate on delinquency  3% above interest rate on facility
Commercial Loan
Account type Interest Rate
Small Business & Charities Refer to published rates
Account type Maximum term
Small Business & Charities 5 years
Account type Negotiation / Administration / Origination fee
Small Business & Charities 1% - 2.5% of principal
Account type Late payment fee
Small Business & Charities N/A
Account type Interest rate on delinquency 
Small Business & Charities 3% above interest rate on facility

1An Insured Depositor (section 2 of the Act) is either (a) an individual (b) an individual who places a deposit in an account with a Bermuda Bank or Credit Union in the name of a partnership, an unincorporated association or sole proprietorship or (c) a charitable organisation as defined in section 1 of the Charities Act 1978 which is registered under section 4 of that Act or (d) a company that is registered in the Register of Small businesses maintained by the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation under the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation Act 1980.

20.5% fee for USD amount in excess of $5000. All foreign currency purchased by a resident of Bermuda, for exchange control purposes, will be subject to the Bermuda Government's Foreign Currency Purchase Tax (FCPT) of 1.25%.

30.5% fee for USD amount in excess of $5000. All foreign currency purchased by a resident of Bermuda, for exchange control purposes, will be subject to the Bermuda Government's Foreign Currency Purchase Tax (FCPT) of 1.25% currency purchase tax (where applicable) at prevailing exchange rate.

If you are 65 years or older please visit our branch or call our Contact Centre on 441 299 5959 to register. You must be registered as a senior in order to receive seniors pricing.

4Senior must be an HSBC Premier client.

5Applies to debit card transactions.

6Fees below are applicable to Commercial Mortgage product.

Listening to what you have to say about our services matters to us.