Make payments anywhere, anytime
Banking with HSBC Bermuda allows you to make payments and transfers in 22 currencies in over 150 countries and regions around the world. Simply log into online banking and follow the instructions to send or receive money whenever and wherever you need it.
How to send money abroad
To make an international transaction online, simply log on to your online banking account and follow these steps:
1. Select the account from which you want to make the payment and select 'Move Money'
2. Enter payment details
3. Follow the on-screen instructions
4. Review and confirm your payment
You can find third party payment instructions, depending on the currency you’re sending.
How to open an account
To open an account online, log on to online banking and
1. Select “Account Services” followed by “Open an Account”
2. Choose the type of account you want to open and select your preferred currency
3. Follow the on-screen instructions
4. Review and confirm your new account
More about international transactions
IBANS for wire payments
Understand how to use IBANs for simple, secure wire payments.
Online banking tutorials
Learn how to do all of your day to day banking.
Foreign exchange
Make the most of opportunities in international currency markets.
Issued by HSBC Bank Bermuda Limited, of 37 Front Street, Hamilton Bermuda, which is licensed to conduct Banking and Investment Business by the Bermuda Monetary Authority.